April 26, 2016



The objective of this assignment is to provide an understanding and importance of the enhancement of entrepreneurial skills and personal qualities with supportive evidence by linking to successful entrepreneurs in Malaysia and the world. In addition, this assignment will enable a student to identify and analyze embodied entrepreneurial skill by entrepreneurs. Therefore, students are required to explain relevant entrepreneurial traits and analyze through application on successful entrepreneurs.

a)    Students are required to identify and describe the entrepreneurial traits that highly needed and applied to operate the business by the entrepreneurs. Based on the traits provided below, explain each trait with a relevant example(s) in the business perspective. [Must use different entrepreneur as an example for each trait. (At least one example)]

You must include the following traits:

  • Networked
  • Open risk taker
  • Observant
  • Visionary
  • Failure is an option
  • Open culture
  • Outcome oriented
  • Team oriented
  • Proactive

b)    Write a brief biography of one successful entrepreneur of your choice in your own words. Then, explain how he or she demonstrates ANY FIVE (5) entrepreneurial traits that highlighted in the QUESTION (A) and how this assists them to be successful in their venture.


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